June Feature Article Updates
“The Florida Carriage Museum and Resort has been sold and Road to the Horse, the world championship of colt starting goes global”
“The Florida Carriage Museum and Resort has been sold and Road to the Horse, the world championship of colt starting goes global”
“A weekend excursion to visit traditional Christmas Markets presents us with an opportunity to send a little holiday cheer from across the pond.”
“Jessica, a flea-bit grey Connemara pony, is up in her bridle; moving at a nice brisk trot.”
“An icon of the American West, the heyday of the Stage Coach lasted from the mid nineteenth century to around 1900.”
“For modern horseman, however, it’s nearly impossible to relate to the mindset of the Amish.”
“The horses stood calmly while the grooms, in full livery; coats neatly pressed and boots polished, bustled about them seeing to every detail of their harnessing.”