The Two Event Man
“This cowboy has chosen to enter the wild cow roping contest but his horse has entered the bucking horse event.”
Tales of cows, cowponies and cowboys of Texas, art and stories by Mike Capron
“This cowboy has chosen to enter the wild cow roping contest but his horse has entered the bucking horse event.”
“Ropes are a tool, just like a gun, or a feed sack, all of which require discretion.”
“A loose latigo can turn a rather simple ride into an extreme event.”
“We were gathering bulls to sell to a rodeo contractor and had about reached our time limit for the delivery date.”
“Any excuse will do to get a cowboy to saddle up and go somewhere…”
“Men who dance in the first light are a bunch of overpaid fools sleeping on the ground, eating more beans than beef, leaving in the dark…”
“Here’s a trick that’s been around a long time, but you won’t see it too often. I’m not sure what you call this maneuver;”
“Lots of different ways to restrain a bovine in order to get his physical adjustments made”
“In my book horses rate right behind ladies and dogs on the man chart. They have a lot in common with these other divinely created creatures.”
“Takin’ the girls home in the fall after shipping time is the cowboy’s pride.”
“The cow business has a long history of profit and loss and this little story is a small example of this illusive pursuit.”
“Well, who’s herding who is the way it usually starts out gathering bulls in heavy brush. Bulls come in a wide variety of disposition so you have to be ready”
“I’ve heard it said that a cowboy is born and not made. I’m not sure what that means.”
“Some horses have to be in the lead all the time. They’re never satisfied being in the middle of the pack and at the back is plum out of the question.”
“Cowboys and Sailors have a lot in common. Sometimes when a storm is brewing, about all you can do is batten down the hatches and try to ride it out.”
“Keep Your Eyes on Flaxy…That is what I was telling myself while this little episode was unfolding. It’s Spring and Flaxy has had the winter off.”
“The “burro lady” and I spent a lot of time together in west Texas. We never rode together but I spent a lot of time thinking about her”
“Some cowboys try to cover all the bases at once. They’re trying to punch cows and get rich at the same time.”
“Uncle Arb was my friend. He was born in Texas, raised in Arizona, then moved back to Texas and that is when we became friends and neighbors.”
“Feed buckets have gentled as many animals as any tool that man has come up with.”